So, Who Is Maxx Madison?

I am a cisgender, Kinsey 4, sapiosexual, heteroromantic, Generation X man. (Got all of that?)  I am happily married to the love of my life, an amazing, cisgender, heterosexual woman, and I am also the proud father of some pretty accomplished kids. 

 I am a musician, a trained chef, a below average photographer, a big sports fan (mostly football and hockey), an aspiring writer and a BBQ making badass. I subscribe to fashion, interior design and architecture publications, I paint my nails if and when I feel like it, I'm pierced, and tattooed, I enjoy quality cigars, strong coffee, whiskey neat and good wine.

Professionally, I am an executive with a Fortune 500 company (imagine that). I am a strong advocate of the "work hard/play hard" life philosophy, I am a big time foodie, travel is my addiction but cannabis is my "drug" of choice.

As I mentioned above, I am a Kinsey 4 which means that I desire sex with both men and women, but my desire for men is the stronger of the two. I am sexually attracted to the male and female physique but with women, I require more than good looks.  This is where my sapiosexual side comes out.  When I was younger it wasn't much of a factor, but as I've gotten older, I require a level of intellectual substance with women or it's a limp D for me every time.  It doesn't matter if she's super model hot or not.

With men, it's a different story altogether, physical attraction trumps intellect when it comes to men. Having said that, a hot AND smart man is a huge bonus and a major turn on for me.  I would say that my preference is to have both but it is certainly not a requirement.  If I find a man attractive, that's more than sufficient to get my blood flowing.  Just don’t be an asshole and we will be just fine.

What I Believe

  • I believe that God is real
    I believe that someone can be "a person of faith" and NOT be religious.
    I believe most, if not all proof statements offered by religious zealots fall short of the actual definition of the word "proof".
    I believe most, if not all fact statements offered by religious zealots fall short of the actual definition of the word "fact".
    I believe that Christ wouldn't recognize or approve of most modern day Christians.
    I believe the Bible is more man influenced than God influenced, often misinterpreted and mistranslated.
    I believe that "I don’t know" is an acceptable answer.
    I believe there is no hate as powerful as religious hate/love.
    I believe aggressive proselytization is the reason why so many continue to turn away from religion

  • I believe that for many conservatives, lying, hypocrisy and double standards have become ethos.
    I believe that no children have ever been harmed at a drag performance.
    I also believe children shouldn't attend most drag performances (no, I'm not talking about story time or other such benign events).
    I believe that visibility and wanting something to be normalized is not "shoving 'it' down your throat".
    I believe that the "both sides are the same" argument is observably ridiculous.
    I believe in equal marriage rights for all (yes, including same sex couples).
    I believe that a private business has the right to refuse services to whomever they want (Yes, I understand what that can lead to).
    I believe that my moral code stands above any political party affiliation I may have.
    I believe that for those accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like oppression.
    I believe that most conservatives by nature are naturally and disproportionately driven by fear.

  • I believe that sex is best defined as "erotic acts or experiences", not just intercourse.
    I believe that masturbation deserves foreplay too.
    I believe that among consenting adults, any and all sexual activities are fundamentally healthy and good.
    I believe that human sexuality is fluid and is something you're born with.
    I believe I've always known that I wasn't straight, despite my attempts to suppress it.
    I believe that the journey to climax is just as important and enjoyable as the climax itself.
    I believe that homosexual behavior is in fact "natural" (because we can & have observed it in over 450 species).