This is my blog. There are many like it but this one is mine. Without me, my blog is incomplete. Without my blog I am incomplete... I hope you enjoy your time here.

Embracing the Awkward
Maxx Maxx

Embracing the Awkward

In this personal reflection, I share the endearing and humorous moments of witnessing my wife and our trainer, both stunning individuals but somewhat shy, engage in flirtatious banter. Observing their awkward attempts at seduction brings a different kind of fulfillment to our nonmonogamous journey, highlighting the importance of feeling desired and appreciated in relationships.

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LGBTQ+, a Choice or Mental Disorder?
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

LGBTQ+, a Choice or Mental Disorder?

This post explores the scientific evidence and personal experiences that supports the idea that being gay is neither a mental disorder nor a choice. Join me as I challenge these and other harmful beliefs and promote acceptance of diverse sexual orientations.

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Do Aliens Really Exist?
Random Thoughts Maxx Random Thoughts Maxx

Do Aliens Really Exist?

I recently overheard a family at a table next to me having a discussion about the nonexistence of aliens or extraterrestrial life. As with many things in life I have an opinion and sometimes it's OK to share it with others but most times it is not. This was definitely one of those times where it was best for me to keep my mouth shut.

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Persecution Fetish? I think So.
Maxx Maxx

Persecution Fetish? I think So.

Recently I was scrolling through Reddit and came across a meme that was posted on a Facebook page. I've seen many messages like this one and I thought it was time to respond to each of these comments.

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Contemplating Midlife
Maxx Maxx

Contemplating Midlife

Many years ago I read a blog post titled "The Tail End" by Tim Urban. I think about that post often and wanted to share some of what I took away from that post here. The author provides a thought provoking view of a life measured in activities or events instead of time.

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Blanks, Hearts, Faces & STDs
Opinion Maxx Opinion Maxx

Blanks, Hearts, Faces & STDs

It's easy to believe all Republicans are idiots, bigots, zealots or greedy rich people.  It's clean, it's simple, and quite frankly it makes the problem appear a lot easier to solve than it actually is.  The truth is most are smart. They know what they want, and they view the authoritarian style of the new GOP regime as a way to get it.

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I’ve always Known…
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

I’ve always Known…

When I first got my hands on a gay porn magazine, that was a game changer for me. I could no longer deny that I was sexually attracted to guys and as a result, I was convinced that God hated me & that I desperately needed forgiveness for my sins. I spiraled. going back and forth between feelings of excitement, guilt, desire, fear, disgust and yes, arousal. I was a fucking mess of emotions.

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Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
Opinion Maxx Opinion Maxx

Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow

Routines. Patterns. Traditions. The mindset that justifies doing a particular “thing” because that's the way we’ve always done it…. Sometimes these ideas can be a good thing and sometimes…usually, they can be limitations.

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He Saw What I refused to See
Maxx Maxx

He Saw What I refused to See

I remember one time in my early 20s, I was in Central Park and I saw a guy that obviously took very good care of himself physically.  This wasn’t unusual at all.  There were guys like that everywhere you looked in NYC, but in this case, for whatever reason, I took the opportunity to stop, acknowledge and admire his commitment to his diet and workout routine.

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Cannabis Tincture: My Personal Favorite
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

Cannabis Tincture: My Personal Favorite

I learned about cannabis tinctures a few years ago during a failed attempt to make my own THC infused vape liquid. I’ve been a big fan ever since. The nice part about tincture is that it’s a very efficient use of your flower, it’s highly effective and very discreet.

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