Promoting an Agenda?

A few days ago, my wife and I were enjoying happy hour at one of our favorite spots.  We were sitting at the bar and I overheard a conversation between a small group of older men.  I wasn't paying close attention to what they were saying but I do know that it was about politics and the liberal agenda.  At one point, I heard one of the men say “…and they want to promote that LGBT crap in schools” and that got my attention.  Mrs. Maxx heard it too, and before I could even open my mouth to speak, she immediately told me to mind my own business.  So I sat there, muted and spinning.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor
— Desmond Tutu

I was fully prepared to have a conversation with these men that likely would have been uncomfortable (never rude, mean or abusive) but certainly very clear.

There is quite a lot to unpack with that simple statement but I will do my best to keep it simple.  For me, it all centers around the word "promote".

Apparently, offering a support group for LGBTQ+ kids is "promoting that LGBT crap".  Apparently, allowing LGBTQ+ kids to go to the prom with whomever they choose is "promoting that LGBT crap". Apparently, simply having a gay character in a movie, book, TV show, etc. is "promoting that LGBT crap".  Apparently, a girl that would like to openly holds hands with her girlfriend is "promoting that LGBT crap".  Apparently, being visible as an LGBTQ+ person is considered by some to be “promoting an agenda.” or my favorite comment, " forcing your lifestyle onto others". 

I find that thought process to be nothing short of laughable.  It's ridiculous really.  If you want to talk about forcing your lifestyle onto others, let's talk about the street corner preachers that preach at anyone and everyone that passes by.  Somehow that doesn’t qualify as "forcing your lifestyle onto other".   Or what about the pro-life folks outside of planned parenthood and abortion clinics that harangue women with intimidation and verbal attacks? That’s ok?  Hmmm…

Allowing those in the minority group to be treated equally, and to live their lives openly and freely, in the exact same way that those in the majority group do, is apparently too much to ask of some people within the majority group.

Next, let's address the underlying assumption behind the comment.  The underlying and unspoken assumption is that sexuality is a choice and if people are not steadfast, they will be brainwashed or otherwise "recruited" to join dark side. 

I find this to be a laughable thought process as well.  To be fair, I do agree that some people can and have been coerced into experimenting, but being turned gay (or turned straight for that matter), is not possible.  Either you are or you are not. Period. 

With regards to homosexuality being a choice, please consider the following:

LGBTQ+ teens and young adults are 5 times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.  So to put that into proper perspective, these young people would rather die than continue living as an LGBTQ+ person.  If being gay was a choice, wouldn't "not being gay anymore" be preferable to death?  Just stop being gay.  Problem solved.  Right?  Wrong, and here is some scientific reasoning as to why.

Although not entirely conclusive by itself, scientists have identified yet another in a long series of OBSERVATIONS (not beliefs) showing there is a biological reason for sexual orientation. Using brain scans, neuroscientists from the prestigious Stockholm Brain Institute in Sweden have discovered evidence that sexual orientation is hard wired into our neural circuitry, which lends credible evidence to the belief that…..wait for it….sexual orientation is biological and not the result of environment or choice. 

I’m going to let that sink in for a moment…

There are many scientific articles out there on this subject.  Here is one from Scientific American for you, but I encourage you to do some digging of your own.

 Another argument that many people make is that homosexual behavior is "unnatural" and/or not part of God's design.  I'm not going to try to debate that one way or the other [faith based belief is not debatable] BUT what I can say for sure is that same-sex behavior (courtship, sex  and pair-bonding) has been observed and documented in over 450 species of animals worldwide.  This includes insects, birds, mammals, reptiles and fish. 

Once again, I’m going to let that sink in for a moment…

All things considered, the idea that homosexual behavior is "unnatural" is  directly contradicted by nature itself.  A short list of species that engage in homosexual behavior include: baboons, bison, dolphins, lions, sheep, elephants, koalas, swans, giraffes, and many more.

I'm not sure why this particular situation triggered me so much but it did.  I was ready to throw down with these guys.

Having said that, I generally don’t give a shit what bigots think and I typically don’t engage them in debate.  It makes my head hurt and I'm too busy doing shit that actually matters.


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