This is my blog. There are many like it but this one is mine. Without me, my blog is incomplete. Without my blog I am incomplete... I hope you enjoy your time here.

LGBTQ+, a Choice or Mental Disorder?
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

LGBTQ+, a Choice or Mental Disorder?

This post explores the scientific evidence and personal experiences that supports the idea that being gay is neither a mental disorder nor a choice. Join me as I challenge these and other harmful beliefs and promote acceptance of diverse sexual orientations.

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I’ve always Known…
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

I’ve always Known…

When I first got my hands on a gay porn magazine, that was a game changer for me. I could no longer deny that I was sexually attracted to guys and as a result, I was convinced that God hated me & that I desperately needed forgiveness for my sins. I spiraled. going back and forth between feelings of excitement, guilt, desire, fear, disgust and yes, arousal. I was a fucking mess of emotions.

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Cannabis Tincture: My Personal Favorite
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

Cannabis Tincture: My Personal Favorite

I learned about cannabis tinctures a few years ago during a failed attempt to make my own THC infused vape liquid. I’ve been a big fan ever since. The nice part about tincture is that it’s a very efficient use of your flower, it’s highly effective and very discreet.

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Promoting an Agenda?
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

Promoting an Agenda?

I recently overheard a conversation, it went something like this “…and they want to promote that LGBT crap in schools”. That got my attention. Mrs. Maxx heard it too, and before I could even open my mouth to speak, she immediately told me to mind my own business.

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Having a Bad Day?
Lifestyle Maxx Lifestyle Maxx

Having a Bad Day?

My wife was having a bad travel day today and in my infinite wisdom I decided to be tough and tell her that she needed to relax and not let the little shit get her so riled up.. That was dumb.

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