Cannabis Tincture: My Personal Favorite

I stopped smoking weed many years ago. I stopped because outside of cigars (which I enjoy but do not inhale) I really hate smoking. Edibles are great but for a guy like me that needs to watch what he puts in his mouth, edibles are just not a viable option…at least not on a regular basis.   ;-)

I learned about cannabis tinctures a few years ago during a failed attempt to make my own THC infused vape liquid. I’ve been a big fan ever since.  If you’re not familiar with tinctures, it’s basically a concentrated herbal extract that is made by soaking herbs (in this case decarboxylated cannabis) in high proof alcohol in order to extract the THC.

The nice part about tincture is that it’s a very efficient use of your cannabis flower, it’s highly effective and very discreet.

Here is how I make it.

  1. Decarboxylate your flower. (If you don’t know what that means or how to do it, you can check this out), I prefer the Mason Jar method. I’ve found that it significantly reduces the smell and also keeps all cannabinoids in the jar throughout the process.

  2. Once the jar has cooled, I pour enough high proof grain alcohol (Ex. Everclear) into the Mason Jar to cover the flower.

  3. I store that in a cool dry place for a few weeks to steep

  4. I strain the liquid out and use a coffee filter inside a potato ricer to squeeze all remaining liquid out of the flower.

  5. Finally, I store the tincture in 2 oz. glass eyedropper bottles for easy use.

That’s all there is to it. The last thing to work out is the proper dosage. This is where you will need to experiment to find your sweet spot. I would start small (one eye dropper worth) and work my way up if needed. I like to add mine to a shot glass with water and drink it like a shot. Give it about 45 minutes to an hour to achieve the desired effect and enjoy!


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