This is my blog. There are many like it but this one is mine. Without me, my blog is incomplete. Without my blog I am incomplete... I hope you enjoy your time here.

Blanks, Hearts, Faces & STDs
Opinion Maxx Opinion Maxx

Blanks, Hearts, Faces & STDs

It's easy to believe all Republicans are idiots, bigots, zealots or greedy rich people.  It's clean, it's simple, and quite frankly it makes the problem appear a lot easier to solve than it actually is.  The truth is most are smart. They know what they want, and they view the authoritarian style of the new GOP regime as a way to get it.

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Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow
Opinion Maxx Opinion Maxx

Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow

Routines. Patterns. Traditions. The mindset that justifies doing a particular “thing” because that's the way we’ve always done it…. Sometimes these ideas can be a good thing and sometimes…usually, they can be limitations.

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Bisexual vs. Pansexual
Opinion Maxx Opinion Maxx

Bisexual vs. Pansexual

In my experience, when discussing human sexuality, many people tend to get wrapped around the axle with regards to the complexity and seemingly infinite variety of preferences and attractions that humans are capable of..

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Happy Failed Insurrection Day!
Opinion Maxx Opinion Maxx

Happy Failed Insurrection Day!

Today is the first anniversary of the attack at the US Capital by those intent on stopping the certification of a newly elected President. I remember it well. I sat in my office, watching it live, in shock and utter disbelief.

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Opinion Maxx Opinion Maxx


If I'm honest, I have to admit that I believe what I believe because I am a product of my environment, not as a result of conscious choice. For obvious reasons, people who did not have a strong religious upbringing are free to choose what they believe.

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